terça-feira, 4 de março de 2014

Chapter 5-->Selection Time

Chapter 5

Summary of Chapter 5: The new students of School X have to be submited of a checking test. Tokishihai Sotto is the responsable to indcate the level of power of each students.
Everything was being normaly, but, Mr. Soubar, ordened to Mr. Sotto hooked the device to put all the beginners on level 2 class. What he did't know is that Gonzalo, Kumo and Bishopo did not need the hooked device. But they are not safe, because Mr. Soubar have 3 apprendices to stalk the others.

Volume 2

Volume 2 of Gran Master
See that also here -->Volume 2<--

In this Volume we will see some developments inside School X. Since the presentations of senseis and classmates until first school works.
We also will able to guess who are the good and the bad people.

Chapters of Volume 2:

-Chapter 5: "Selection Time"
-Chapter 6: "The apprendces part 1"
-Chapter 7: "The apprendces part 2"
-Chapter 8: "The apprendces part 3"
-Chapter 9: "The apprendces part 4"
-Chapter 10: "The apprendces part 5"
-Chapter 11: "Mess in the kitchen"
-Chapter 12: "The scientist and the strongest fire team"
-Chapter 13: "The Rakeru's desease"
-Chapter 14: "Marianaa can't erad minds"